What effects does writing SMSs have on cognitive module production?

Theoretical notes
By Céline Combes, Olga Volckaert-Legrier, Cyril Perret

The advent of new communication tools, particularly SMS, has encouraged the development of new non-conventional spelling forms (i.e. textisms). Producing SMS writing (eSMS) may at first glance seem simpler and easier than conventional writing. However, the study of the nature of textisms suggests that their production, as with that of conventional writing, requires the use of general cognitive processes, thus mobilizing working memory. The aim of this article is to link the specific production principles of eSMS with the theoretical concepts of the production processes of conventional writing. This article will focus in particular on exploring possible changes on cognitive module production of conventional writing caused by the production of eSMS, and will do so by adopting the perspective of Hayes and Flower (1980).

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